Forget the drama about the Precious Judges’ Save – both Matt and Lil are gone next week, anyway. Unless, of course, Anoop-Dog goes back to trying to channel his inner brother and succumbs to oversinging a disco song next week. More on the disco later, after I ask some important questions.
How bad a song is “Maniac” (the Idolist Choir song)? So bad, that none of them including Adam, sounded good in it.
How bad is Miley Cyrus? So bad that Diandra said it makes her appreciate Britney Spears who, at the same age, had the good sense to just breathe heavy and make cooing noises into a microphone, and not actually try to sing.
How good is Jennifer Hudson? Real good.
How annoying is Ryan getting with his safe or Dreaded Bottom Three teases? Very.
And how much fun will disco week be? A lot of fun!! I’m looking forward to reliving some awesome years spent gettin’ down on the dance floor – and lifting Christine off of the dance floor and spins and death drops and dance contests and Dance Fever . . . . . . How over the top will Adam be was my first thought. Can Danny sing a disco song? Can Kris for that matter? Should be interesting.
I just want to make sure that everyone heard Simon say to Kris, "I thought you were brilliant." He said it and I could hear a cheer swell in the city of Scottsbluff. Well, maybe it was thunder from the storm we are having, but the earth did shake. I'll offer a discount on memberships to the SB Chapter of the Kris Lovin' Ladies Club but only if you promise to vote for him.
Everything else was as expected. You are right, Maniac was horrid! And I even love the movie.
Disco week should be fun!
All the vote did was prove to me that Vote for the Worst got involved again and hoisted Lil or Matt. I will be truthful and admit that I was absolutely shocked by the result.
And, yes, there are some who remember your disco dance days of yesteryear. And there are some of us who always thought Christine was nuts to allow you to hoist her overheard and spin her in the air!
Wonder if Lil will do a Donna Summers number?
And, Karla, I did hear what Simon said to Kris, who, to me, is the underdog just below the radar because he is not flamboyant. He...just...sings - and that very comfortably and mellowy! a favorite of mine.
I think Ray is right that next week Lil & either Matt or Anoop will go. Although, there have been some shockers in the past so we'll see next week!
I'm so curious what disco songs this group will choose. I would love to hear if any of you have ideas. There are a lot of choices. Do you think Adam could pull off a BeeGees song? Whatever he does will great, I'm sure!
Can't wait for next Tuesday. Ray, any videos of your disco dancin' days you can post on YouTube? I'm picturing some live entertainment at the conference. :) (just playin')
Can't believe I'm taking 3 posts to say what I intended to say in the FIRST one: I think Vote for Worst vaulted Lil OVER Matt
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