Tuesday, April 7, 2009

It's Not a Mad World. It's Adam's World.

Tonight's Official Don’t Argue With Me Because I’m Right and You’re Wrong Rankings*

Now let’s talk about ‘em a bit:

Emo-Chic aka Funky White Boy aka Adam – Simon’s standing ovation says it all.
Allison – OK, I think we drop the “for sixteen” descriptor (did she do enough for you this week, Jenny?). When she gets a song that fits her, you can hear her artistry, if I can steal a word from my girl Kara. She should give Lil lessons on how to sing in her lower register.
Danny – Danny’s problem is Adam. He’s consistently good to great but Adam is consistently amazing.
Anoop-Dog – the vote is over - the black guy Anoop should be is the 5th Boys to Men. Not Usher. Not Michael Jackson. Not Bobby Brown. He really did do a legitimately soulful version of a Cyndi Lauper classic that sounded “his own”.
Matt – Matt’s strengths are the Justin thing but I just wasn’t enthused as the judges were. Maybe I couldn’t get Stevie out of my head enough to appreciate the JT/jazzy version of Part-Time Lover.
Kris – sorry Kris Lovin’ Ladies of Scottsbluff (and I apologize if I have left out other chapters of Kris Lovin’ Ladies), but the judges totally got it right – the arrangement took over the song and you lost both Kris and the song
Lil – is in trouble. The judges were totally right about her, too. She just hasn’t defined herself beyond having a good voice. At this point, she is just a good karaoke singer, and at times, not even good.
Scott – can we be done now? Finally, he was really bad. Usually, he’s just bad but he may have finally done enough to get him voted off.

We’re down to the point where predictions make sense and, once Scott is gone, those that are left are pretty good with the possible exception of Lil who has failed to live up to her audition promise. So, here goes:

Should Win – Emo-Chic aka Funky White Boy aka Adam
Would Win in A Different Year – Danny, Allison
Good But Never Had a Chance – Kris, Matt, Anoop-Dog
She’s Done – Lil
Gots-to-Go - Scott

*(except my Mom has already called to tell me I'm wrong)


Unknown said...

No arguments from me although I missed most of the performances. The Booster meeting at the high school lasted longer than I anticipated. I am so glad that Adam went last so I could see his awesome performance. The only others I saw were Scott, Matt & Allison. I didn't think Matt was all that great but the judges sure liked him. Scott was brave but he messed up on the big parts of his song. I thought Allison was excellent. From the short clips I saw of the others it looks like I didn't miss much. Looking forward to results tonight! (yay, no meetings to distract me from my A I addiction).

YOUR MOM said...

Scott awful.
Lil bad.
Kris so wrong song choice!
Matt better than last week
Anoop was good

Allison (hers had me in tears)

Scott overdue to go but might get a pass (AGAIN!) as Lil disappoints more each week. I think she's trying too hard to please rather than just singing!
Hmmm, I guess that's another way of saying she lacks artistry.

Jenny LaChance said...

I agree with almost all of your comments.

Allison definitely had a much better night. I think I've decided on one factor that consistently bothers me about her - she doesn't choose young/fun songs and that it what I want from someone who is very young and seems fun (from what personality we see). Her voice last night did sound VERY good, but the song seemed too old for her (message/lyrics wise). (I realize that she may not have much of a choice - how many age-appropriate power songs are there for her to choose from?... still it’s a bit creepy.) I rather wish Allison was in the 2013 Idol; I think I would love her then.

Overall, I feel last night was filled with disappointing and forgettable performances (excluding Adam's). Clearly, it's Scott's time to go but with the selection of poor performances, who knows what will happen tonight? Maybe it will inspire a judge “save” if Lil, Allison, Kris, Matt, or Danny ends up as the one with the least votes.

margo said...

Adam and Allison, those were the only two I liked last night. I can't figure out why the judges were so excited about Danny and Matt; I suppose they met expectations for what we should be hearing from the final eight, but that's about it. Maybe I was just cranky last night, but I thought it was a disappointing episode. Is it me? Surely not...can't be me....had to be the show. I'm definitely not part of the Kris fan club this week either....I wonder if I could get a refund on my membership dues....I know the president of the local chapter, so maybe.

Ray said...

OK, Jenny, time for some NT-style banter. I think your problem with Allison explains why she's not getting votes. But she is who she is - she's an "old-soul" in a funky, hip package. I offer two artists for comparison: Joss Stone (sang duet with Smokey Robinson 2 weeks ago) whose first CD as a teen was covers of old R&B songs; Janis Joplin, a bit older when she started but grew up on Bessie Smith, Leadbelly, Big Mama Thornton. Allison's voice is perfectly suited for what she is singing. Though a teen, she's not a "teen" pop singer.

Unknown said...

Sorry, Margo. The money has already been spent. Did you not read the fine print? Something you may want to consider anytime I'm handling money. For those of you on the East Coast, you may already know the results. As for us here in Nebraska, we can still hold out hope that it is Scott and not Lil. I STILL say Kris should get points for being the only one there who doesn't need a makeover! But I do see fan club membership dwindling. And, as I told Ray when he mourned Alexis, it is a singing contest, not beauty.

Liana said...

New to Idol and new to the blog, but not new to music....
Allison was awesome - she's got the pipes, she's got the look, she has found her musical style and is sticking to it - something others are not doing!
I thought Danny was great, but it may have been his choice of song- I'm not a big fan of 80's music so did not "enjoy" most of the performances.
It is time for 'Lil to go - way off pitch in the lower range - can't be an idol if you can't sing!

Ray said...

Welcome aboard, Liana! Happy to have you share in the fun.

Jenny LaChance said...

In response to Ray...

Jenny LaChance said...

(sorry this is in 2 pieces... and continued...) :)

I think your examples of Joss Stone and Janis Joplin help me further frame my thoughts on the discongruence of the pieces of Allison. For Joss Stone and Janis Joplin, their style fits/fit their vibe (for lack of a better word). I don't sense that with Allison. She seems very young. Yes, Joss was very young when she started but has the "old soul" feel that Allison lacks in my mind (probably due to the pieces of her back story I can remember.) Allison's years of singing in stores, etc makes her "old soul" seem much more contrived to me. Is she really an "old soul" or is that just the music her voice works best with now? I'm sure that with more objectivity it wouldn't matter, but I fully admit my reactions to Idol contestants are quite subjective.

I'm not trying to convince anyone to share my opinion of Allison, but help explain why she may leave before other less talented contestants. There's just an illusive something (or set of somethings) about her that makes me find her uncompelling.