Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Mute Button . . .

. . . is what you use for those awful farewell performances.

So America gets it right by sending Jasmine home. But Anoop (who no longer deserves to be called Dog) clearly deserved to go before Jorge. And Simon-Crushing Megan should have been gone. Oh well, their times will come soon enough.

The new rule now adds unnecessary drama as we have to wait for the judges to rule on each go-home vote. And does it really matter? If people didn't vote for, say, Daughtry, before, what would have made them vote for him enough if he were kept in? I can see the idea as inoculation against Vote For The Worst but am on the fence for now.

Not much else to add except how cute My Girl Alexis is and the next time you see me, I'll be wearing a towel off the back of my pants like Kanye.


Unknown said...

Maybe the new rule should have been in place to avoid someone like Taylor Hicks winning! We could go straight to the top 5 right now... Alexis, Allison, Lil, Adam & Danny. What would we do without all the drama in between though! For some reason I get a good laugh out of the bantering between Simon & Ryan and Simon & Paula. I love AI!! Nanette

Anonymous said...

I missed everything because of a very important phone call so must depend on Lisa and Ray as judges.

Anonymous said...

Nanette, I so agree with you!

Jenny LaChance said...

So many Idol thoughts this week...
1) Why, why, why must they keep saying that the rule change would possibly have saved Daughtry? It wouldn't; he was 4th and the rule only applies when there are still 5 or more contestants. 2) Clearly I'm the only one but I still am not fond of Allison. 3) I'm even less fond of Megan. Really - that dancing must stop. The worst part for me is that she thinks it's cute. AH! 4) And I still am not fond of emo-boy. Maybe he'll grow on me like DA did last year but right now, I just don't have the love for him.

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