Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Kris! Yes - Kris! And Funky, White Boy Emo-Chic!

Yes. I am going to give some dap to Kris. Because he earned it and not because I’m trying to keep the Kris Lovin’ Ladies - and you know who you are in Scottsbluff, Nebraska - off my back. My back is strong enough to be as critical as I wanna be.
But first, a major shout out to Ryan Seacrest. I want his job. C’mon – he uses his voice, plays music, and is surrounded by computers. He has my dream job!

OK, back to the competition. Poor Danny was great once again, and it’s hard to recall what he did after Funky White Boy Emo-Chic and Kris. I have to give some mad love to Kris. That’s a hit single that I would buy in a heartbeat. Great performance and re-arrangement of a very familiar song. He is definitely finding his zone and it’s clear I need to re-evaluate him.
Funky White Boy Emo-Chic – what can you say? Arrangement was sick. Nearly a total rewrite. Loved it. And you just can’t deny the mad vocal skills. I seriously was worried when he said he was doing that song because it is already pretty over the top but he completely turned it into something else that was all his.

Danny completes my top three with Allison in 4th tonight. Danny can just flat sing and he picked a perfect song for him. Allison started great, really great, but the chorus wasn’t as good. It lacked the energy of the original. But for 16 years old? Wow!

The rest:
Anoop – he wants so desperately to be black. Sorry, Anoop, the positions are filled, especially Usher’s. But since I want to be Ryan Seacrest, maybe it could work out . . .

Lil – I thought she was very pitchy and just not that good. I agree with the judges about bad song choice and I, too, would have loved to hear her do Mary J. Blige’s version of One. Or how about It’s Rainin’ Men? Randy’s right, she needs to get her swagger on. She’s not a Celine-style diva. For the Conspiracy Theorists among you, how about having Ryan and Randy play with the kids? Are the producers trying to generate votes?

Matt – that was ugly. Again, the judges were right, he needed to do One Republic’s Apologize or (suggestion by Ray) maybe J.T.’s Summer Love. Like Lil, he is really struggling to figure out who he is.

Scott – I just don’t understand what the judges are hearing. I was bored. Diandra was in pain. She said she was too much in pain to be bored and I said I was too bored to be in pain.

Simon-Crushing Megan – speaking of pain . . . . I would really like to hear her do Duffy, Adele or Amy Winehouse. Not that it would be good. And since I love all three, not that I wouldn’t be appalled and uncontrollably scratch the skin off my neck. But . . . that’s where she would sound the best she can (which still probably isn’t much).

Can Win: Funky White-Boy Emo-Chic, Danny, Kris (!)
Maybe Can Win: Allison – she is fabulous but because she was in the Bottom Three, I wonder how much support she has as compared to the above
Will Be Around Way Longer Than Deserved: Scott
Just a Matter of Time: Anoop, Matt, Lil
Time to Go Away: Simon-Crushing Megan - but will the Vote For the Worst folks save her?
Still Grieving Over You: Alexis


Unknown said...

I loved Adam as usual but was very surprised by Kris. He really did a great job last night. He's been a bit of a sleeper for me up until last night. I was kind of hoping to hear Megan sing KT Tunstall last night just to see how she would do. She's just no good. If it weren't for that gigantic tattoo I would tell her to go model. Oh well. PLEASE, Megan MUST GO tonight!

YOUR MOM said...

Posted this under wrong category (am in the midst of figuring out capital gains/losses and deductibles so I know all is forgiven!!)

A good night to settle things for me re my top three. In that American Idol is about the recording contract, Kris has gone to the top of the list. Mr Mellow, Mr Consistent no matter the genre, Mr Mutitalented instrumentally.
Danny is a sweetvoiced, from-the-heart singer that will show through on recordings, with a unique voice to boot. And he can sing!
While Adam is the "best voice" Idol has ever had, he is essentially a performer who feeds off a crowd - which is often what carries him "over the top". That will never work in the recording studio where every single note, breath, movement must be totally subdued and under control. High notes must be totally under control as well as the lowest of tones. Oversinging is a killer in the studio. Controlled tones with heart, riffing with utter ease and undersinging is what works in the studio. Like his performance last week. So Sweet!
I don't say Adam is above learning that but right now he has a bit of Norman (remember him??) in him that he has to tame. No spotlights are in the studio. Just you and that technology that picks up and amplifies the tiniest breath and throws it back at you with force.
Unless he learns to do that and leave the performing for the stage, he won't sell what one only LISTENS to with staying power.

margo said...

I loved Kris this week, he just keeps getting better each week. Danny and Adam were great too. There were parts where Adam sounded like Steven Tyler; I think I'd like to hear him do Aerosmith. Thanks for the plug for Scottsbluff, we'll take any publicity we can get. Great, now everyone knows about our little mecca of coolness...I bet Chili's is going to get crowded.

Johnny said...

Now that I have seen Ray's sweet 70's moves,style, flair and grace. When do we get audio for the blog so we can hear him sing?!
sign me "Curious in Cali".

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