Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Adam. Period. End of discussion. I'll take the check now. Oh, you don't like Adam? HELLO!!! SMOKEY FREAKING ROBINSON GIVES HIM A STANDING O AFTER SINGING ONE OF HIS CLASSIC SONGS? HELLO!!!!!! Check, please. (Yes, this week Emo-Chic is Adam. This week was serious. Maybe we get back to Emo-Chic next week.)

Allison. This young lady is good beyond her years. She took on Papa Was a Rolling Stone - one of My Greatest Pop Songs of All-Time and totally nailed it. Totally. If she ends up within a sniff of the Bottom Three again, it's a crime against humanity.

And as long as we're on crimes against humanity - Simon-Crushing Meagan. Our language and communication is simply insufficient to describe how awful she was. The closest I can say is that it was in the realm of The Unspeakable One. Alexis is gone and we are stuck with this? (140 words before I mentioned Alexis. I'm starting to get over her, I think.)

And in the category of criminally negligent stupidity, let's add Oil Rig Dude who apparently smiles and shakes girls' hands while singing a song about begging and pleading to your girl to come back. As a HUGE Temptations fan, that was a personal affront but I recalled the hit I put out on him when he admitted he knew it was bad.
Finally, let's add Scott to the list of bad - neither unspeakably bad or stupidly bad; just bad.

OK, we've dealt with the best and, hopefully, the Bottom Three. The rest:
Matt - pretty good tonight, actually, and I think he can make a run at this
Kris - Simon is spot-on: no star quality.
Anoop-Dog - fair, not good, not bad; his falsetto voice is weak and he needs to avoid songs where he he has to go there.
Lil - HUGE disappointment. This should have been her night but she picked a song that was way too fast and I agree with Kara that My Guy would have fit her better.
Danny - also a let down because of bad song choice. I could give you a dozen Temptations songs off the top of my head that would have been better. In fact, of all of their songs, he picked the worst one for him. And maybe a Four Tops song would have been better, something like I'll Be There. He can flat-out sing but it's clearer that with Adam and Allison, he's not that much of a better singer than everybody and maybe not even the best.

Can Win: Adam, Allison, Danny
Coming on Strong: Matt
Fading: Lil
Can't Win: Kris, Anoop-Dog
Need to Go Now: Scott, Oil Rig Dude
Need to Be Punished for Intolerable Crimes Against Humanity: Simon-Crushing Meagan


Unknown said...

ok Ray........Adam was fabulous, loved his rendition...would buy it in a hearbeat!


PS, This was not painful for me to admit at all :)

Anonymous said...


Got in late last night but had taped the show and could not go to bed without viewing it.

Blown AWAY by Adam, the look was "out of sight" [doesn't he always surprise!] which is part of his star quality!
The voice, the song choice and the lyrical, soul treatment of the song? UNBELIEVABLE.

Allison is gifted. She blew it away last night. I was mesmerized by her young years but her "knowing" way with the right song.

I am convinced that Chris is actually the most versatile "just sing" and not draw attention to other than singing of all the contestants. He is just so pleasurable to listen to - with eyes closed. Really, really listenable. He WILL sell CDs.

Danny is reliably good. Likeable, truly likeable quality to his voice. Maybe not great every performance (these song category nights are responsible for a lot of less than stellar performances for most of the performers) but he is always consistent in pleasing.

Lil was VERY, VERY disappointing. She needs to learn that LOUD is not necessarily better. Start soft and build for drama. Very disappointing. I think she needs to learn she could deliver a ballad with the best of 'em.

Now to my bottom 3:
MEGAN. MEGAN. MEGAN. Whyforth art thou still here? Dreadful night. That's not new, though.

Scott? Enough already.

Rigger Man? You have long passed your creds. Everything sounds the same now and yet somehow worse.

ADAM? Right now, he is the man to beat. By a mile.

Unknown said...

Absolutely LOVE Adam. He is an incredible talent. My guess for the bottom 3 tonight is Megan, Scott, oil rig dude (I don't even know his name). Not crazy about his voice and his attitude is starting to bug me a bit. Megan and Scott are very likeable, they just can't sing! I'm excited for the results tonight.

I think the finals will come down to Adam & Allison. Danny will probably be in the top 3.

Jenny LaChance said...

I find it difficult to say, but I LOVED Adam's performance. He cut out some of the over-the-top theatrical stuff, and it was near magical. (Oh no, he's even inspiring me to sound like Paula.) This week I was hoping he was in the bottom 3 only so I could hear him sing again. I think I may have to even purchase his song.

As everyone agrees, Lil was extremely disappointing. I had my fingers crossed that she was going to sing an Aretha song, and that is knowing the rule that no one signs Aretha. I think she could have done an amazing "baby I love you" (one of my favorites).

For me, Allison had her best night, but I'm still not in the Allison fan club. I thought 75% of her song deserved an A+, but the other 25% was just ok. (The second verse to be exact; I think she was trying to mimic the change in voice possibly... didn't love it.)

Anonymous said...

You can't know how much I am enjoying all of your comments!