Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Thankful for No Surprises

In all the excitement of our first results night, did you, like me, forget how detestable the One-Hour-So-Fox-Can-Get-Paid-But-Should-Be-30-Minutes-Results-Shows are?
And how long did it take for you to see that they would hold Tatiana and Danny until the end? And even though you “knew” Danny was moving on, did you, like me, feel the knot in your stomach desperately hoping that Tatiana and her bundle of DSM codes would get sent packing?
Yes, our National Nightmare is over, well at least until next week and we have to deal with Nick/Norman, and then Nathaniel the following week. But I am getting ahead of myself. This week, America got it right with Alexis and Danny, and I am OK with Oil Rig Dude since nobody else really did anything last night. Of those eliminated last night, I think Anoop deserves to get put through by the judges.
The best part of the night was the performances by Alexis and the duet by Carly and Hot Michael. Alexis just flat out brung it. Was even better than last night and last night was great. My mom said she looked “set free” and I thought that was a great description of Aretha version 2. Yes, it is still very early but she really has set herself up as one to watch. Danny wasn’t as good as last night but how could he be after the pressure of being the last one to find out?
Remind me again why Carly didn’t win last year? I still think she was the best singer. And I hope Hot Michael’s album has the kind of white boy soul like “The Letter” because that is where his sweet spot is. I think his insistence on trying to cast himself as a rock singer really cost him last year. But here I am still reviewing last year’s Idolists. Tonight is a night of relief as my two early favorites Danny and Alexis – or is it Alexis and Danny? – got through. I am getting excited!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your post leaves little to add. You nailed it!
Alexis - in her performance last night - convinced me that she is the most naturally gifted STAGE performer I have seen since Day One of "Idol". You don't learn stage presence like that overnight. Her handling of the mike gave me chills. An eyepopping performance. Had last night been the finals, she was #1 by a mile.
I read somewhere that Anoop Desai barely lost to Oil Rig Dude so there is hopes that he will return for another opportunity. He must sing soul, though. Or at least soulful pop. He's got that "down" for sure.
As thrilled and entertained as I was last night with Alexis and Danny, I must admit I was really waiting to see Idol DONE WITH TATIANIA! I can now relax and "enjoy the show" as everyone else is going to have to really bring it to beat A & D.
But then Norman still remains, doesn't he? He'd make a really good standup comic. Perhaps he'll forego the shtick and show us if he can really sing. I did think I heard a little vocal talent lurking in there somewhere. We shall see.
Am back on board fully engaged now!!!
Tatiana: gone.
I think I can survive Norman. And maybe even enjoy some legitimate laughs again!