Wednesday, February 25, 2009

A Very Confusing Night

First, the people I said to look out for didn’t bring what I was looking for. It was quite a disappointing night in general. Not sure what’s happening that we are getting so many bad performances in the two weeks so far.

Next, I think the contestants are confused. Song choices were bordering on ludicrous. Kris Allen was shown singing Michael Buble during Hollywood. Then he breaks out Michael Jackson tonight. Dude, you can be good at one of those but NOBODY can be good at both. Matt Giraud slays Ray Charles in Hollywood and then does Coldplay?

Nick/Norman is just plain confused. And by tolerating him, the show reached a new low and, frankly, deserves all of the hating the Idol Haters can muster.

I thought the judges were very confused by Mishovanna Henson (sang Train Drops of Jupiter). I thought she was fabulous. Diandra thought she was fabulous and she tends to be more critical than me. I don’t get why the judges were hating on her.

And, finally, Emo-Chic (Adam) was confusing. This guy has mad vocal skills. Best I have ever seen on Idol. And as good as I’ve ever heard anywhere by anybody. But sometimes way over the top. If he reigns himself in, look out. I would love to hear him take on a big, big old school rock song by a big tenor voice: Boston, Kansas, Foreigner, even Led Zep and dare I say it, I’d even let him take on Journey/Steve Perry. Maybe Chris Cornell (Soundgarden/Audioslave) or some Guns ‘n Roses (Sweet Child of Mine)? Dude can flat sing, he owns a stage, has a great look, and is a pro in the sense that he is trained, experienced, comfortable and confident. He just needs to figure out to scale down from the theater stage to a singing stage. I can see that he may put a lot of people off and won't get the votes.

So, the not so confusing. Sixteen year old, red-haired Allison is good. Not great, yet. But really good. She’ll need to pick good songs. Alone was borderline but still enough to show her skills. She has a winning personality and, as Diandra has observed, I am a sucker for husky-voiced female singers, i.e. Alexis.

I thought Jesse (Bette Davis Eyes) was better than the judges thought. Again, I am in the tank for husky-voiced female singers. Jesse sang this song as if it were hers and not like she was doing a karaoke of the original. She has a different look and is quirky in a good way. Paula called her captivating and I think that is the perfect word for how I feel about her.

I already mentioned that I liked Mishovanna a lot. And Emo-Chic – when he is good, he is untouchable. I’ll add him to Ray’s Serious Contender list along with Danny and Alexis. But of course, we need to see how the voting goes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Confused last night. Got a confusion hangover still this morning.
I'm so confused that all i can say is that I agree with you and Lisa and - is this what Idol is playing for? - can't wait to see tonight's show. Hope there's no more confusion but, then, this is America. Right?