Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Tonight promises to be a good night with more than a few potential Finalists - key word here is "potential" given last week's train wrecks. People I like tonight are: Jasmine Murray, Jesse Langseth, Emo-Chic (Adam Lambert) and Kai Kalama, the latter two as much for their unique looks as much or more than their singing ability. For some reason, Matt Giraud rings a bell as someone I liked previously, too, but it's hard to remember when we saw so little singing and so much drama prior to this round.
Also Nick/Norman tonight. He is beyond ANNOYING and I am so hoping he makes it easy to himself to get voted off.

Now another piece of news. Here is a link to a USA Today interview with Simon
In it he lays out how the judges' "bring back" round works. Basically they will pick nine people for what sounds like a sing-off next Thursday and then they will pick three of those. Now here's the intriguing part: those nine can come from outside the final 36. In other words, people who were "eliminated" in Hollywood may be chosen to come back. This could mean David Osmond who had laryngitis or maybe a reconsidering of Jamar, especially since some of those picked over him fell flat on their faces. By the way did you see him in the audience when BFF Danny was singing? Uh, who's paying for him to stay in Hollywood? Let the conspiracy theories abound!!!!

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