Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Yes, they are all chasing Crystal

I am not sure what has my attention more: Crystal's giftedness or Simon's idiocy. I guess let's give credit first. Simon was right that Crystal has established herself as the one to beat. And even if she doesn't win, so what? She will get better and better each week by virtue of working with top-shelf professional musicians, rehearsals for televised audiences and judges' critiques. Then she will go on the Idolist tour and wow the crowds. Finally, she'll go into a recording studio and make a hit album. Case closed.

So now to Simon's idiocy re my girl Siobahn. That's right - my girl. Hey, somebody has to get called that and while this is not an Alexis situation, well, somebody has to get called that and I've picked her. But I digress.
I got chills. I actually had tears. That was as haunting and captivating version of House of the Rising Sun as you are likely to hear. For Simon to be dismissive and say - and this was what REALLY made me nuts - that she did nothing with the song was just so *&%$(_(&^^$@#@#@$%*^! He clearly does NOT know the song if he thought that sounded any way like the original or any other version for that matter. She - rather my girl - was fabulous. I don't care how quirky she is, she can flat out sing.

Nobody else was really close to Crystal and Siobahn. I had Didi 3rd and Lilly 4th but with no real conviction about either tonight. I guess I was happy Didi stepped it back up from last week - I do love her voice - and was a little disappointed with Lilly for a competent but sizzle-less performance. She can do better than that.

Paige - she's gone. Bad song, badly sung. So the question is who's going with her: Katie or Lacey? Katie has a wonderful voice but is clueless about what to do with it. She has brought absolutely zero to her songs each week. Lacey just sang slow and dull. Cute Katelyn was the karaoke queen tonight but she's, well, cute, so I think she's safe.

Now on to the guys. Can Big Mike be big again? Will Aaron still be adorable? Can Tim Urban get any worse? Will Alex Lambert melt hearts? Is Todrick gone? Will Lee sing a note on key? Can Andrew make a comeback? Is Casey a one-trick pony? Yes, ladies, I know, it's a pretty good trick but still . . . anyway, these answers and even more, i.e. more of my ramblings, tomorrow!


Unknown said...

Cyndi Lauper meets Patsy Cline! Thank you Lilly! Crystal is far ahead of the others but what we have to remember is this is American Idol. (didn't I say this week after week last year?) Crystal may not meet that criteria, just like Adam didn't. I don't think we can write off the others and hand her the crown just yet. Yes, Ray, your girl Sio has a good chance, but I'm not giving up (and yes, I've been called relentless) on Lacey or Katelyn.

And for the guys, Mr. Linder, of course Lee will sing on key, he has been all season, why should that change?

Ray said...

The "Cyndi Lauper meets Patsy Cline" line - and evaluation - was excellent! Because of that I am willing to forgive your unfortunate support of Lacey - who seems nice enough and I am sure I would like her. She is just out of league right now.
And you are SO right regarding who is best vs. who people vote for - a conundrum I am aware of but wish would just go away. Since there is a "Vote for the Worst" website, why can't there also be a "Vote for the Best"?

Sherri B. said...

I'm on the same page with you right now, Ray. Crystal and Siobahn are the only two I've become invested in. I'm excited every week to see what they're going to sing! Paige was just awful, and Katy reminds me of a beauty pageant girl singing her karaoke songs on stage. She has no charisma for me and I feel completely bored while she performs. I am rooting for Katelyn to stay around, but last night she really messed up with her song choice. I thought Lilly had a very so-so performance last night and was pitchy, but I still really like her and hope she stays for awhile. Lacy and Didi both improved, but I can't picture either of them being the winner at this point. I hope Paige and Katy go home.

Can't wait to hear what the guys do tonight!

YOUR MOM said...

It's Crystal and Siobahn. Although there is talent beyond these two, no one else is even close.
Siobahn gave me chills and Crystal is just so the complete package that it's a joy to see one so grounded and READY!
Any 4 of the others could leave tonight and I would not be disappointed so long as Paige is one of them. She's gotten worse instead of better so, though talented, she is not really ready. There are several others in the same boat.
Should be interesting to see who goes.
There will be a strong, interesting and diverse six remaining.

Unknown said...

Again, I didn't get to see ALL the performances. But, I did get to see Crystal and she was crazy good as usual. I actually liked DiDi's performance very much even though I don't think she will go much farther on the show. I love Karla's comment about Lilly. It's exactly what I was thinking when I was watching her. Wish I could have heard Siobahn but her little recap sounded amazing. To me, the gap between top girls and the so-so girls is getting larger every week.

Tonight, I get to see the WHOLE show. Can't wait!

BTW, did anyone else see Jason Castro perform at Jason & Molly's wedding on ABC? (The Bachelor) He was great. Seems to be making a name for himself out there.