Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Allison vs. Paris

A question for experienced Idol Watchers – how do you rate Allison against “Miss P” Paris from three years ago? Is Allison Better? Not as good? About the same as Miss P?

Kris! Yes - Kris! And Funky, White Boy Emo-Chic!

Yes. I am going to give some dap to Kris. Because he earned it and not because I’m trying to keep the Kris Lovin’ Ladies - and you know who you are in Scottsbluff, Nebraska - off my back. My back is strong enough to be as critical as I wanna be.
But first, a major shout out to Ryan Seacrest. I want his job. C’mon – he uses his voice, plays music, and is surrounded by computers. He has my dream job!

OK, back to the competition. Poor Danny was great once again, and it’s hard to recall what he did after Funky White Boy Emo-Chic and Kris. I have to give some mad love to Kris. That’s a hit single that I would buy in a heartbeat. Great performance and re-arrangement of a very familiar song. He is definitely finding his zone and it’s clear I need to re-evaluate him.
Funky White Boy Emo-Chic – what can you say? Arrangement was sick. Nearly a total rewrite. Loved it. And you just can’t deny the mad vocal skills. I seriously was worried when he said he was doing that song because it is already pretty over the top but he completely turned it into something else that was all his.

Danny completes my top three with Allison in 4th tonight. Danny can just flat sing and he picked a perfect song for him. Allison started great, really great, but the chorus wasn’t as good. It lacked the energy of the original. But for 16 years old? Wow!

The rest:
Anoop – he wants so desperately to be black. Sorry, Anoop, the positions are filled, especially Usher’s. But since I want to be Ryan Seacrest, maybe it could work out . . .

Lil – I thought she was very pitchy and just not that good. I agree with the judges about bad song choice and I, too, would have loved to hear her do Mary J. Blige’s version of One. Or how about It’s Rainin’ Men? Randy’s right, she needs to get her swagger on. She’s not a Celine-style diva. For the Conspiracy Theorists among you, how about having Ryan and Randy play with the kids? Are the producers trying to generate votes?

Matt – that was ugly. Again, the judges were right, he needed to do One Republic’s Apologize or (suggestion by Ray) maybe J.T.’s Summer Love. Like Lil, he is really struggling to figure out who he is.

Scott – I just don’t understand what the judges are hearing. I was bored. Diandra was in pain. She said she was too much in pain to be bored and I said I was too bored to be in pain.

Simon-Crushing Megan – speaking of pain . . . . I would really like to hear her do Duffy, Adele or Amy Winehouse. Not that it would be good. And since I love all three, not that I wouldn’t be appalled and uncontrollably scratch the skin off my neck. But . . . that’s where she would sound the best she can (which still probably isn’t much).

Can Win: Funky White-Boy Emo-Chic, Danny, Kris (!)
Maybe Can Win: Allison – she is fabulous but because she was in the Bottom Three, I wonder how much support she has as compared to the above
Will Be Around Way Longer Than Deserved: Scott
Just a Matter of Time: Anoop, Matt, Lil
Time to Go Away: Simon-Crushing Megan - but will the Vote For the Worst folks save her?
Still Grieving Over You: Alexis

Friday, March 27, 2009

Goodbye, Oil Rig Dude

The only shock here is that Matt makes the Dreaded Bottom Three. What's up with that? The flip side of that is, of course, that Simon-Crushing Meagan once again parlayed her two skills of being pretty and having a long tattoo into avoiding the Bottom Three. Who is voting for her and how long will they continue to force her upon us? She's a nightmarish combination of Kristy Lee Cook and The Unspeakable One.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Adam. Period. End of discussion. I'll take the check now. Oh, you don't like Adam? HELLO!!! SMOKEY FREAKING ROBINSON GIVES HIM A STANDING O AFTER SINGING ONE OF HIS CLASSIC SONGS? HELLO!!!!!! Check, please. (Yes, this week Emo-Chic is Adam. This week was serious. Maybe we get back to Emo-Chic next week.)

Allison. This young lady is good beyond her years. She took on Papa Was a Rolling Stone - one of My Greatest Pop Songs of All-Time and totally nailed it. Totally. If she ends up within a sniff of the Bottom Three again, it's a crime against humanity.

And as long as we're on crimes against humanity - Simon-Crushing Meagan. Our language and communication is simply insufficient to describe how awful she was. The closest I can say is that it was in the realm of The Unspeakable One. Alexis is gone and we are stuck with this? (140 words before I mentioned Alexis. I'm starting to get over her, I think.)

And in the category of criminally negligent stupidity, let's add Oil Rig Dude who apparently smiles and shakes girls' hands while singing a song about begging and pleading to your girl to come back. As a HUGE Temptations fan, that was a personal affront but I recalled the hit I put out on him when he admitted he knew it was bad.
Finally, let's add Scott to the list of bad - neither unspeakably bad or stupidly bad; just bad.

OK, we've dealt with the best and, hopefully, the Bottom Three. The rest:
Matt - pretty good tonight, actually, and I think he can make a run at this
Kris - Simon is spot-on: no star quality.
Anoop-Dog - fair, not good, not bad; his falsetto voice is weak and he needs to avoid songs where he he has to go there.
Lil - HUGE disappointment. This should have been her night but she picked a song that was way too fast and I agree with Kara that My Guy would have fit her better.
Danny - also a let down because of bad song choice. I could give you a dozen Temptations songs off the top of my head that would have been better. In fact, of all of their songs, he picked the worst one for him. And maybe a Four Tops song would have been better, something like I'll Be There. He can flat-out sing but it's clearer that with Adam and Allison, he's not that much of a better singer than everybody and maybe not even the best.

Can Win: Adam, Allison, Danny
Coming on Strong: Matt
Fading: Lil
Can't Win: Kris, Anoop-Dog
Need to Go Now: Scott, Oil Rig Dude
Need to Be Punished for Intolerable Crimes Against Humanity: Simon-Crushing Meagan

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Another Year, Another Heartbreak

I have lost the will to live but I will attempt to write something before I consider what manner of death will be appropriate for my pain.
But before I die, I need to ask myself, "Ray, why are you surprised?" Two years ago, it was Sabrina. Gone too soon. Last year it was Asia'h. Gone too soon. Now, it's Alexis. Another year. Another heartbreak. How will I get up the strength to watch each week now without having someone I am in love with? (I have heard, however, that the new judge is pretty cute.) IT'S A CRUEL INJUSTICE AND I AM OUTRAGED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And to add insult to injury, including the ones I am inflicting on myself right now, I had to watch Brad Paisley AND Randy Travis. Somehow it is ironic that I survived that only to see My Girl Alexis get the boot.

I actually thought it was going to be Adam who was gone. While I liked him last night, I recognize that it was an all-or-nothing performance (thanks to Diandra for that line) and I feared that most people would vote "nothing". Which begs another question to me before I impale myself on a sharp kitchen object: "Ray, would you have felt as badly if Adam had been the one to go?" Alas, my Thinking logic wins over my Feeling affectations. I would have been a lot more upset because he is a much better singer. But I'm still angry because Alexis is so much better than half the people still in it. And I have ever mentioned how cute she is?
IT'S A CRUEL INJUSTICE AND I AM OUTRAGED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I demand a Congressional investigation.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Amazing Power of Idol

The Amazing Power of Idol was most clearly demonstrated tonight. I willfully (but not without agony) sat through two hours of country music and Randy Travis, no less. Fortunately, a few minutes of seeing Alexis was not only a welcome respite but definitive proof that there is a God and He loves me. Still, I am glad Country Week is over and not just because I steadfastly refuse to acknowledge it as a legitimate music genre. It's just that few of the Idolists can sing it authentically and that every year the better singers don't really show themselves that strongly on Country Week.

I have to admit that perhaps this crop of Idolists is living up to the hype as the strongest yet from top to bottom. There just weren't any bad performances tonight and, frankly, there were a few surprises. Oil Rig Dude was OK, Simon-Crushing Meagan didn't embarrass herself (but what was that she was wearing!), and Anoop might have restored his Dog status even if Diandra thinks he wants to be the 5th member of Boyz To Men. Because of how close I think everybody is, could there be some surprise exits coming?

Before I get to performances, my other highlight this week - I did mention Alexis, right? - was Emo Chic. Even after replaying it, I'm not sure I understand it. As Kara said, "It left me confused and happy." But I liked it. A lot. I will buy it when it comes out on iTunes. I am quite sure I will get some grief from some of you but, hey, I'll be the one who is "current, young, fresh and hot" as per R. Jackson.

OK, a quick recap:

Oil Rig Dude - Simon was right, you couldn't understand the words - and isn't that the point of most country songs?

Allison - OK, not great, I like that she kept to her rock vibe but still kept a little country in it

Kris - he's like a palm full of sugar: sweet and empty

Lil - Simon made me angry calling her Little. Sometimes he takes his "I'm smarter than you shtick" too far. Obviously she is not a country singer but when she hits her big notes, she's as clear as a bell

Emo-Chic - see above

Scott - tonight was his best and he's still just not that good

Alexis - Yes. I love her. Yes, she wasn't that good tonight. She should have stuck to her rock guns and done a fun, naughty song like Carrie's Underwood's Last Name. (I know, you people who think I'm a country music hater can't believe I know that song). And, yes, I love her.

Danny - slow start, HUGE finish. When he hits his sweet spot, he gives me goose bumps

Anoop-Dog - Big surprise! Great comeback for him. He really does have a voice and maybe he's figured out how best to display it

Simon-Crushing Meagan - she is so marginal and, again, what was she wearing?? Props for singing as well as she did under the weather.

- I just didn't get the judges over-the-top praise. Better than Danny? What? Diandra's notes said, "Too many flat notes to be forgivable . . . . he should've played piano and Danny should've sung."

Can win:
Danny, Lil, Emo-Chic
Maybe can win: Allison, Alexis, Matt (who the judges seem to love)
Can’t win (but apparently will make it interesting): Anoop-Dog, Kris
Really can’t win: Scott, Oil Rig Dude, Simon-Crushing Megan

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Mute Button . . .

. . . is what you use for those awful farewell performances.

So America gets it right by sending Jasmine home. But Anoop (who no longer deserves to be called Dog) clearly deserved to go before Jorge. And Simon-Crushing Megan should have been gone. Oh well, their times will come soon enough.

The new rule now adds unnecessary drama as we have to wait for the judges to rule on each go-home vote. And does it really matter? If people didn't vote for, say, Daughtry, before, what would have made them vote for him enough if he were kept in? I can see the idea as inoculation against Vote For The Worst but am on the fence for now.

Not much else to add except how cute My Girl Alexis is and the next time you see me, I'll be wearing a towel off the back of my pants like Kanye.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

What is tomorrow's surprise?

My prediction about Simon's surprise for the voting show (based absolutely on my intuition): since they are eliminating two people, the votes will decide one person; but the twist is that the judges will choose one person.

Michael Jackson Week

Yes, who can Michael but Michael? But the beauty of doing MJ is that it separates Real Idolists from Pretend Idolists.
Here is my summary with Idolist-by-Idolist details following:

Can win: Danny, Lil, Emo-Chic
Maybe can win: Allison, Alexis
Can’t win: Oil Rig Dude, Jorge, Scott, Kris, Matt
Really can’t win: Jasmine, Anoop Dog, Simon-Crushing Megan

– I really liked her giving the song more of a soul vs. a pop feel. She didn’t mimic the original and remade the song as Randy said. She can win. What is Simon’s problem other than he NEVER gets R&B?

Scott – I continue to think he is mediocre, just no pizzazz, no sizzle, as Kara said not dynamic, sheesh, even Oil Rig Dude is better.

Danny – WOW!!! WHOA!!! DUDE!!! I just love this guy’s voice so, so much. He can flat sing and can DEFINITELY win!!!

Oil Rig Dude – Better than I thought, not unpleasant is about the best I can say

Jasmine – Way too big a song for her, pitchy at times. She’s gone. (Don’t you love how Randy name-dropped Mariah?) Randy and Kara were way too kind. Paula was CRITICAL!!!! WHAT????? Simon continues to be right about her, a little girl trying to be a big girl.

Kris – Guitar version did NOT work. Remember the Time pops and Kris’ version had nothing. It was, as Simon would say, “Bizarre.” In point of fact, he said, “Clumsy.” I hate him and want him gone, I don’t care how nice he is or how cute his wife is.

Allison – She’s 16 and her voice gives me chills at times – I know, the gravelly-voice female thing I have. But Randy is right, she’s got “it”; I love her personality, too.

Anoop Dog – Anoop, Anoop, Anoop, you CANNOT go there!! Beat It is way too iconic a song. Who can sing this song other than MJ? Paula was ABSOLUTELY right, the song is untouchable. And you really need Eddie Van Halen on the guitar, too.

Jorge – I liked him better than the judges did although his voice was a little thin and pitchy at times.

Simon-Crushing Megan – Oh, dear, how dreadful was that? Even Simon couldn’t find anything good to say for once. And she needs to stop whatever she is doing that she thinks is dancing. Which could be this week.

Emo-Chic – Man, I love this guy. He is a PRO! He commands – no, he OWNS - the stage, he demands attention. He is outrageously good. AWESOME. Maybe HE could sing Beat It (but you still need Eddie Van Halen doing the guitar)

Matt – Sorry Randy, that was a BAD imitation of Justin Timberlake. I didn’t like it at all but maybe Simon was right, it was too tough to follow Emo-Chic.

My Girl Alexis – Heart be still. Maybe more energy and sex appeal than substance this week but still quite enough substance. Yes, Simon, a little over the top at times but you have your crush and I have mine. The biggest difference is that mine will be back next week.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Bring on the Final 12 - uh, 13!!!!!

In spite of his horrible song choice and dreadful performance, I was so happy to see Anoop-Dog go in as the 13th Idolist. Which is also why I can’t give the judges a hard time about their selections since they apparently didn’t have vocal quality on their minds. If they did, Jesse (Tell Me Something Good) and Ricky (Superstition) would have been in the finals, as to these ears, they were the best performances of the evening. But we know the show is as much about casting as it is about singing – otherwise how could we have possibly been subjected to the Unspeakable One?

So we get pretty and precocious Jasmine – who I am finally realizing isn’t that good; pretty Simon-Gushing Megan, who may actually be good but isn’t nearly as good as Simon thinks; and Matt who did Terence Trent D'Arby's (anybody remember him?) version of a Michael Jackson song and reminded me of neither. And, of course, Anoop-Dog. At least we have seen the last of Tatiana!

One prediction - when Kelly Clarkson is on next week, she'll do the song on her new CD that Kara co-wrote.

OK, so now the REAL fun begins. BRING IT ON!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Looking Forward to the Wildcards

I forgot to mention in last night’s post that I knew Scott was going through. With all due respect, he’s just not that good of a singer. He’s supposedly better with a keyboard but I wasn’t all that impressed with his clip from Hollywood singing Daughtry’s Home.
Of course I am relieved that Lil and Jorge went through. And disappointed that Felicia didn’t make it.

Now, on to the fun. Finally we had some real – as opposed to fake – drama with the judges’ selections for the sing-off tomorrow night. I guess the info (from an interview with Simon) that it was going to be nine and they could come from Hollywood turned out to be inaccurate. Oh, well, sorry Jamar and David Osmond. Too bad for us.

Well, here’s my breakdown on each of the callbacks:
Von – mediocre at best, not sure why he got another chance and I will be disappointed if the judges put him through
Jasmine – has the “package” as Kara would say but her stunning looks and precocious poise belie a lack of self-confidence. She didn’t perform well but if she does, she could go through
Ricky B. – “forgettable” as Simon would say because I just don’t remember much about him other than the judges seemed to like him for reasons I couldn't fathom
Megan – Simon seems to have a crush on her. Another “package” but not sure if she’s a good enough singer. However, can anybody say “Kristy Lee Cook” or “I’ll-Just-Take-Off-More-Clothes-Each-Week Haley Scarnato”?
Tatiana – she’s back and apparently will bring her complete package of DSM codes with her. I know most people are turned off by her. But based on her performance alone, she deserved another shot.
Matt – has to bring the Ray Charles thing. If he does, he probably goes through
Jesse – I like her. Plain and simple. So I hope she gets through.
Anoop – Diandra was going to leave the show forever if he didn’t get picked. (I saw her throw her favorite band under the bus for a year when she was angry at them, so I know she was serious.) He deserved a second chance more than any of the others and I think he’s got a real shot at the final 12.

No predictions on who makes it. Most of them just didn’t bring it on their first chance and that’s why they didn’t go through when less talented people did. Is there a Clay Aiken or Jennifer Hudson in the group? But if there is, then, as Randy would say, they “have to be in it to win it!” (Sheesh, did I just say that?)

As an unrelated but relevant aside, I’m writing this while listening to the new U2 CD and I am really digging it. Sorry Coldplay fans (including me) and thank you for keep the throne warm but the Best Band in the World wants their seat back.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Kind of a Drag

I’m feeling like I want to dispense quickly with my comments on the performances to get to some other thoughts about the show in general.
So, tonight it was Jorge, Lil and Felicia, in that order for me, although the judges clearly liked Lil the most.

OK, now about the show. Tonight’s show seemed to really drag on. My first problem is that I think four judges are one too many. You know how much I like Kara but I’m wondering how much she has added to the show. It’s not that she isn’t better than either Randy or Paula – she clearly is better than both – but there is way too much distracting and useless banter between the judges and not enough critique of the singers. Also, there are way too many times when Kara states an opinion, then Randy and Simon start by saying they disagree with her and then end up making the same points as her.
But if you go back to three judges, as much as hate to say it, I think you have to get rid of Kara because I believe that both Randy and Paula are too much a part of the fabric of the show – it just isn’t Idol without either of them. And second, as a whole package there is a chemistry between Randy, Paula and Simon that I don’t see as being as good with Simon, Kara and one of the other two.

My other HUGE problem that explains why tonight’s show seemed interminable is that there haven’t been nearly enough stand-up-and-take-notice performances. Danny, Alexis, and Emo-Chic. Maybe Allison, Lil and Jorge are in that category. So six strong performances tops. This is out of something like 100,000 contestants. Then taking 72 to Hollywood. And then giving us “the best” 36 finalists yet. Really?
Maybe I’m being too critical. Diandra reminds me that it seems to be an every other year thing. And maybe it’s just too early yet.

I’m looking forward to seeing if Thursday’s call back show will generate some buzz for me. And I do think that once we get to the final 12, it could be a real throw down between a half-dozen people. And maybe by then, I’ll be more into it. For now, I’m feeling like the Idol engine isn’t running on all cylinders yet.