Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Hey Lee - It's a SAD song!

There were a lot of good things about tonight (Siobhan) and some very good (Big Mike, Crystal, Casey). But there was one thing that has me very angry and since this blog has always been all about me, I need to get it out of my system. Lee not only butchered Hey Jude but completely misrepresented the song. Singing badly I can handle. But did he bother to read the lyrics or get the history of the song which is a song Paul McCartney wrote to comfort John Lennon's son Julian during his parents' divorce? Uh, grinning ear to ear and shouting, "Everybody put your hands together", isn't typically the way one handles a young boy losing his home life. The whole way he sang the song (uptempo, shouting, toe tapping, clapping) was just so, so wrong and I am really quite angry about it. And musically, it is one of those songs that can't be shortened without ruining it. It reminded me of Michael Johns trying to do A Day in the Life a few years ago.
And what was with the freaking bagpipe?

OK - with that beginning to get out of my system, I can review the rest of the night. Everybody else was OK to great including Teflon Tim who seems destined to be with us another week. I will say the show felt too long to me at two hours maybe because everybody sang fairly slow tempo songs. Even though Crystal was fabulous - again - I really wish she had taken my first choice for her of Helter Skelter which would have broken up the mood of the evening created by so many somber songs. I do like the behind the scenes looks as they give us a better idea of the personalities of the Idolists which is so important to their stage personae.

I am also feeling a bit like the rest of the season doesn't matter for me because I don't really care who wins at this point although I so want Tim and his smile gone. I already know whose records I want to buy - Crystal's, Big Mike's and if matched with the right songwriters and producers, Siobhan's. The fun for me at this point is seeing how the Idolists change and grow, e.g. Casey showing a really soulful, sensitive side tonight or what My Girl Siobhan will wear each week.

As to tonight, Big Mike was my big winner. He sounded like Bebe Winans of contemporary gospel music fame and his version of Eleanor Rigby is ready for urban radio right now. Simon, who doesn't get gospel or R&B, won't understand.
Crystal was, again, Crystal. At this point she only needs to be compared to herself. I did recommend Come Together as a possible song for her and I thought what she did with was really cool. She does need to make more eye contact, though. Still, she is totally radio ready.
Casey finally showed us he is not a one-trick bar-singing pony. Jealous Guy (a John Lennon song from his album Imagine) was tender, sensitive, soulful and gave us an expanded perspective on who he is as an artist.

I've got My Girl Siobhan slightly below them tonight. She has the best pure voice in the competition and she gave a technically perfect performance of Across the Universe that was, unfortunately, a bit too restrained. Still, a great recovery for her from last week.

The rest: Aaron seemed to struggle with his voice tonight. It had no power at all. His arrangement of Long and Winding Road just laid there with nothing happening. He does need to sing an uptempo song - he should have taken my advice!
Katie is SOOOOO cute and telegenic but vocally she's just one of a zillion other 17-year olds out there who have nice voices. It was her best performance to date but just go ahead and download Jennifer Hudson's version of Let it Be.
Andrew made a good song choice with Can't Buy Me Love and his Jason Mraz-y take on it was alright but nothing worth remembering.

That leaves Tim. The following are real quotes from Diandra. First, she held her head and whined, "I'm melting", in the voice of the Wicked Witch from the Wizard of Oz. Then this exchange:
Christine: Do you know who he reminds me of?
Diandra: Satan?

Need I say more?


Unknown said...

We got the most entertainment and enjoyment tonight out of the interviews with the contestants about the contestants. As my daughter, Shelby, said, "That part made me like some of them more." Knowing that they all make fun of Aaron, that Big Mike thinks Siobahn is weird and that Lee is a's so much more fun. I wish they would have done the songs you suggested. They must not have read your blog this week! Bottom three? I'm thinking Andrew, Tim and Siobahn. Maybe Aaron but I don't think so. Of those, who goes home? Hmmmm.....maybe Andrew. ?
Crystal, Casey and Big Mike were the top three this week. Looking forward to tomorrow night and the results.

Jenny LaChance said...

I love Diandra's comments.

Overall I agree with everything you said. I would add that Siobhan's performance was so boring. Bor-ring! (Clearly your crush mitigated some of this for you.) I think she may be in trouble, although I predict she would get the "save" if needed.

Sherri B. said...
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Sherri B. said...
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Sherri B. said...
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YOUR MOM said...

Having not joined Ray in his love of the Beatles during his teenage years, I was mightily unfamiliar with most of the songs. I was, therefore, able simply to listen to the presentations.
Judging purely by the singing, I would be quite sure that Andrew will go tonight. I think Katie and Tim will join him in the bottom three.
I happened to like Siobahn's presentation, though somber. PUrely by the singing, not the song, she was so very, very good.
Loved Casey. His aptitude with the acoustic guitar was such a plus. He sang very well also. He played as sensitively as he sang.
I like Mike for his voice and his stage presence. Lee could learn a lot about "owning" the stage from him although I like the timbre of Lee's voice very much.
Aaron did not have a great night but he is an amazingly naturally gifted stylist.
For the first time, Crystal was not #1 for me although she sang well.
After listening as closely, not to what Katie sang but to how she sang (which she did quite well), I tend to agree with Simon that she would do quite well singing country. While she has an R&B vibe (minute), she is a nasal singer. The nasal thing goes over bigtime on country songs.
I, too, enjoyed very much the pre-interviews of each contestant.

Barb Ring said...

Ray, I've been following your blog for awhile, and though I don't have much expertise in popular music from which to add to the discussion, I love reading your discussion and everyone's comments! It is surely an education, and I love it! Makes watching Idol so much more fun!Thanks.

Donnalou said...

I find your Idol rants quite therapeutic. I actually laughed out loud at Diandra's characterization of Tim’s teeth! I kept thinking his smile was like a nervous tick or the happy idiot, but your daughter nailed it – it’s demonic! And, it must be my Scottish heritage, but I rather liked the bag piper sporting a kilt in the “Campbell’ tartan! ;)