Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The Best Audition Show of the Best Audition Season

The resident geniuses at Idol outdid themselves tonight with easily the best audition show ever, likewise concluding the best audition season ever. Best, to me, meant they had an ideal combination of entertainment – the good and the tragi-comical – along with interesting stories and clever production. The use of guest judges during the audition rounds really “spiced” things up, too. Seriously, did you even give Paula’s absence a single thought?

Clearly tonight was a warm-up for Hollywood Week as we saw and learned about more talented singers than any prior show. This highlight reel from all the cities was a correct response to the problem of past years when the show moved to Hollywood and we saw a bunch of people we had no prior connection to.

There were many standouts tonight and the ones I had Diandra asterisk for me on her ever-present list were:
Crystal Bowersox who sang Janis Joplin; Didi Benami who sang “Hey Jude” in honor of her girlfriend who passed away; and 16-year old Aaron Kelly that Diandra thinks sounds like Keith Urban. In spite of the country sound he goes into Hollywood as one of my favorites. Cute with a great back story and a great smile, the girls and ladies will love him meaning he will be a force to be reckoned with IF he survives the tortures of Hollywood. I’m rooting for him.

While we thankfully did not get a repeat of Bikini Girl, the producers evidently realized that having a Designated Drama Queen is money. So we get
Amanda Schectman to play this year’s version of last year’s Tatiana who delighted me and horrified my mom. At least this year’s version is a better singer and she is destined for some serious airtime. Begin praying for my mom now.

Next week Ellen!!!! I CANNOT wait.


Sherri B. said...

lol...I'm with your Mom, Ray. Tatiana made me cringe with her antics! But she most definitely provided entertainment. I was laughing out loud at Simon's mocking of Amanda's dramatics. Too funny! :P

I thought Didi had a beautiful voice...and Aaron Kelly had my heart right away. Sweet kid, very pleasant voice...I agree with you that if he makes the Top 24 he'll have a huge fan base. Can't wait to see what happens next week! I look forward to your thoughts. Stay warm this weekend!

Unknown said...

Heard on TMZ tonight that Nikki Nix is a fake. She has been on four reality shows including Fear Factor and did not have the helium voice or accent. She also has altered her name for each show. It will be interesting to see what is said about her on Idol.