Wednesday, May 13, 2009

How did this happen?

How did THIS happen? How did one of the best singers in Idol history lose to a guy who was hit-or-miss each week? And according to Ryan, only a million votes (out of 80+ million) separate him and THE best singer in Idol history? How did THAT happen? For crying out loud, KRIS COULD BE THE NEXT AMERICAN FREAKING IDOL. Who, besides the completely irrational Kris Lovin’ Ladies could have seen that coming 12 weeks ago? [Bitter about losing my bet that Danny would last longer than Kris? No, not at all. I’m not mad about Alexis being gone either.]

I’m upset by more than my friendly wager. I know the rules - America gets to vote and pick who they want. And right now, I keep typing and erasing because I can’t intelligibly form words for how upset I am about a great singer like Danny being outvoted by an inferior singer. Argghhh!!!!!!!!!!

It is the mad genius of the Idol Machine that wreaks havoc with our emotions each week. I just wish I didn’t love it so. But I am still upset beyond belief.


Jenny LaChance said...

The absolute and pure wrongness that "ice for breakfast" Kris is in the finals has me speechless.

And a million votes between him and Adam - oh my...

(Idol conspiracy theory to come later once speech has returned)

Unknown said...

Honestly, after the performances last night it was anyone's game tonight. Next week should be VERY interesting. You all know I'll be voting like crazy for Adam!

YOUR MOM said...

Too shocked to comment... Although I did tell YOUR DAD beforehand that Kris could be a finalist. based upon the vagaries of voters.
Have NOT recovered. THIS will take time.

margo said...

Ray, you gotta get a grip before you hurt yourself. Kris was better than Danny this week, no doubt about it (and it's not becaue he's cute). Danny's first song just wasn't good.

As far as there being only a million votes separtating #1 and #2, it is surprising that Adam was that close to Kris. :-) Just kidding, but I'm really not terribly surprised by that either. Maybe there are lots of people like me who are getting tired of hearing Adam end every song with a high pitched scream. It doesn't matter to me that the pitch and tone are perfect; it's still a scream. Sometimes it makes my dogs howl; heck, sometimes I even join in and howl with them.

I happen to love Kris' voice, there's just something about it, some sort of raw emotion there. When I look at some of the artists I love right now, Kings of Leon, anything with Jack White, even Chris Cornell...the attraction isn't flawless vocals, it's being able to hear and feel that emotion. I think Kris has that.

I know Karla will agree with me, while the rest of the faithful bloggers will probably protest and give me nonsense about Adam being in a completely different league than Kris. That's okay....bring it. Oh yeah, and who are you calling "irrational"?

Johnny said...

Steady, Ray, Steady! Didn't YOUR MOM warn you that watching too much television could impact your mental state?

Thank goodness that Margo is involved in this process/adventure. She seems to have a good ear and eye for outstanding talent.

The last time I checked this annual event concludes as a popularity contest instead of a singing competition.

BTW- Margo....I, too, have a strange aversion to Adam Lambert's high end vocal screeching. My macho dog Tedward and I try to leave the room and color our nails when he performs. This has the additional benefit of also preventing blood loss from our ears.
P.S. I think Kris is dreamy.

YOUR MOM said...

Johnny brought me back to reality with his use of the magic word: popularity. Being a viewer since the birth of American Idol, how could I possibly forget (again, I must confess) the disappointment year after year that the result was rarely about singing!! Am back now on solid psychological ground.
No longer emotionally involved.
Slow learner as I say that the end of each season.

Unknown said...

I'd like to add to Johnny's thought. It is American Idol, not America's Best Singer. It is a combination of voice, stage presence, connection with the audience and all those other things that make a performer "popular." With that in mind, Kris is a far better choice than Danny. Kris is America Idol material. He will sell records and fill venues.

It is way too early to declare Adam the winner. I believe Kris will pick up more of Danny's votes than Adam and with only one-million separating them, every vote is going to count. I will be happy either way the vote goes, but I do believe that Kris deserves to be right where he is.

Ray's pitiful post almost made me feel bad about winning our friendly little wager, but not quite! No, not at all. I'll have fun gloating! I wonder if I'll hear a public "You were right. I was wrong."