Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Pleasantly Shocked

I have to admit I was shocked that Rocker David won. But a happy shocked. Diandra said she had trouble getting her votes in for him so maybe I shouldn't have been surprised.

Like Simon, I could have lived with Weird Dad David winning. But it appears that highlight weeks (Hello and Billie Jean among others) beat Weird Dad David's (boring) consistency. When Rocker David was good, he was very good. Now, let's hope he gets to make an album worthy of his best weeks.

OK, a few highlights on the epoch that was the results show.
George Michael. Need I say more? [Well, of course I do - Careless Whisper, Father Figure and Praying for Time are songs of pure genius]
Carrie Underwood - that, boys and girls, is what we like to call the whole package
Syesha - again, if I turn up missing for any length of time, I'm probably stalking her
The Carly-Michael duet reminded me that she had the best voice and if Michael had chosen better songs (more soulful, R&B-ish) , he would have gone farther.
The Weird Dad David-One Republic combo showed that he can sing something other than 40 year old songs
I liked the Brooke-Graham Nash duet and how cool would it be to be Rocker David singing lead for Z.Z. Top?

I'm glad it's over but can't wait for it to begin again. I'm sure I'll have things to say during the wait - Idolist record reviews and such. Thanks for indulging my addiction each week!

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