Wednesday, March 12, 2008

What's Up with Ryan?

Apparently, tonight Ryan was on whatever Paula is usually on. Even my wife (Ryan Seacrest Fan #1 – appalling, isn’t it?) thought he was weird.

At first I was nervous about Lennon-McCartney week. While there is certainly much to choose from, they really didn’t write songs for singers. But when I thought about great Beatles covers (Stevie Wonder – We Can Work It Out; Al Green – I Want to Hold Your Hand; Aretha – Eleanor Rigby; Michael Jackson – Come Together), it seemed like the night could create some opportunities for some people to really stand out and draw attention to themselves. And I think a few of them did.

Summary of my faves tonight (in their order on stage): Chikeze, Carly, Brooke, Jason.

Reviews, in order of performance:

Syehsa – Call me Fickle. Call me Faithless. Call me Philandering. Call me no-longer-have-a-crush-on-Brooke-because-I-have-a-crush-on-Syesha. But she was pitchy at the start and just OK tonight. She looked a little unsure of herself at the start but starting first on the big stage would have been hard for anybody. Still hoping she’ll go far.

Chikeze – yes, Wanda, this was my favorite performance so far this year!!!!!!!! Took a huge risk with the arrangement(s) and pulled it off in a big way.

Ramiele – boring just like the judges said and not performing to the level of her talent. I thought she might have put herself in a gots-to-go-situation . . . . . but there was still Kristy Lee to come. She is going to have to step it up and bring the talent she has.

Jason – I liked this better the second time I watched. For once Paula made sense in that he does make an emotional connection with the listener.

Carly – I don’t want to like her but, wow, she is good and a perfect song choice for her. Appears to be a crowd favorite. And Simon sees dollar signs.

David Cook – totally DISAGREED with the judges (and Diandra) – I thought he butchered Eleanor Rigby – one of the greatest songs ever written.

Brooke – Call me a Two-Timer. Call me Can’t Make a Commitment. Call me groveling to Brooke to take me back. Yes, the crush lives on. She is adorable. Oh, yeah, she can sing, too. Seriously, she and Jason are male/female bookends with their sincere, emotionally connecting styles. They do not have the best voices but they are among the best singers. I thought she was great tonight – again.

David H. – ugh!! What a mess. Could “Papa” have been his peak?

Amanda – ugh! I’m so done with her.

Michael – OK but really not living up to his potential.

Kristy Lee – a clear Gots-to-Go-Situation. How bad was she? Sadly, not as bad as . . .

David A. – wow. That was a trainwreck. I had to stop watching. I wonder if he has the maturity to hold up through the marathon of week after week. That was Simon’s initial concern and maybe (once again) he’s onto something. He really needs to make a strong comeback. I think he’s got enough votes to allow Kristy Lee and Amanda to excuse themselves, maybe even Ramiele. But he can’t, can’t, can’t do what he did this week ever again.

Unless the country voters are deafly supporting her big, Kristy Lee goes home. Ramiele is in danger, too, I think.

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