Friday, February 29, 2008


Last night, we (daughter #1 Diandra) went to see Bon Jovi (for the 3rd time) with Daughtry opening. It was a very surreal experience that fully completes my Idol addiction. Surreal in the sense of seeing him during an Idol season when it was just years ago we were going crazy talking about and voting for him week after week just as we’re seeing a new batch of contestants right now. Now we see him in an Arena full of people singing HIS songs – I guess that takes care of song selection. And he was SO good.

Yeah, and that Bon Jovi guy isn’t so bad either. Thousands of women who want to be with him and about 100 guys who want to be him. And he’s written a few pretty good songs too . . . . . “Tommy used to work on the docks . . .”

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