OK. Kris won. It’s been a week and I will learn, in time, to forgive. Now to restore order to the cosmos, the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences and President Obama need to give Adam a Grammy and a Presidential Medal of Honor, respectively, for making Kiss sound good.
Seriously, here’s what great about Kris. The last seasons prior to this one Jordin Sparks, and then David Cook, came from back in the pack to win. They each beat out the early, presumptive favorite (Melinda Doolittle and David Archuleta) by getting better each week and gaining momentum until they created a buzz. Kris followed in their footsteps. It became enjoyable watching Kris grow into his stardom as it was with Jordin, and David C.
Listen to Matchbox Twenty/Rob Thomas or The Fray and you can hear Kris and understand that he can be a credible artist. With the right songs, he can be a star beyond his first CD. Forget his looks – certainly to his advantage and a large part of his success – because he does also have an exceptional ability to create an emotional bond with his listeners in the way that the above bands have (as the Kris Lovin' Ladies have insisted). He really can sing, too, when the song is right for him and the fun of Kris is that the right songs can be quite unexpected – She Works Hard for the Money and Heartless were pure magic. And Ain’t No Sunshine? In the Finals, that was just plain one of the best Idol performances I’ve ever seen.
The challenge for Kris will be to get good enough material that establishes him as more than a pretty boy with a built-in following from idol as opposed to a real artist who will be around for the long haul. The other challenge will be for him to grow even faster now into stardom. The “Adam is way better than me” thing works best if he believes - and acts like he believes – that he’s good, too.
Adam, as runner-up is more than fine. He already is a star and winning or losing Idol will mean nothing to his success. He is far and away the most captivating performer ever on Idol. Even if you didn’t like his singing, he commanded your attention. I believe that “losing” has already enhanced his career as the shock of his finishing second has generated even more media and public attention than he had before. I know I cited stats in my last entry but here’s another one: YouTube videos for Kris – 2,930; for Adam – 8,640.
Speaking of video, here is an amazing one that recently surfaced and, speaking of star power, the song was just made into a single for iTunes! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lvwcJUhIa0U
A story about the video (one of many) can be found here: http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1608947/20090409/story.jhtml
This was a typically fun, funny and frustrating Idol Season. My competitiveness, criticality and passion for music always get the best of my objectivity. My favorites NEVER win and probably never will. Next year, my heart will be broken by another Alexis just as it was Asia’h the year before and Sabrina the year before that. I stay more upset about good singers that leave too soon rather than good singers who don’t win.
I look forward to the careers of Kris and Adam. I hope that we hear from Allison and Danny, too. And I promise to keep up the banter throughout the off-season. Expect to see me comment soon on the Elliott Yamin concert I went to Sunday as well as his new CD (I LOVE it!).
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Is Kris Really the "American" Idol?
Don’t worry Kris Lovin’ Ladies, I PROMISE that I will eventually get around to giving Kris some well-deserved dap but the Feeler has been put back into the corner and Mr. Objectivity has been put back in charge as a way of working through my grief.
First, let’s deal with the story first reported by a Fox affiliate in Arkansas that ATT claimed 38 million votes in that state were cast for Kris. 38% of the votes cast by 1% of the national population. ATT has since claimed “erroneous data” had been given out and can neither confirm or deny any voting results. Putting aside what clearly is an in-house spat between Fox and one of their major sponsors, the governor of the state has proudly boasted of the success of his get-out-the-vote campaign. Truth, angry rumors or conspiracy theory? Who knows? Maybe Kris is the American Idol or maybe he’s just the Arkansas Idol.
Indeed, Kris won the popular vote among Idol voters. But who has made a bigger impact on the American psyche? Here are some real, verifiable facts:
Google Adam Lambert, excluding Kris or Allen – 12m hits
Google Kris Allen, excluding Adam or Lambert – 9.4m hits
Google News Adam Lambert, excluding Kris or Allen – 429 hits
Google News Kris Allen, excluding Adam or Lambert – 223 hits
Adam’s Myspace 960,000 views; 2760 friends
Kris’ Myspace 433,000 views; 1817 friends
Adam’s Facebook 206,000 fans
Kris’ Facebook 88,000 (according to PageData)
In the real-not-the-American Idol-TV-show world, winning the show isn’t much different than winning an election primary. It’s not who sends text messages or dials 866-436-57xx a gazillion times for their favorite (hey, I voted for Adam around a dozen times) that matter. Rather, it’s who actually spends dollars after the contest that matters. That’s the real election. Kris’ devoted fans may vote multiple times but they each won’t buy 40 albums.
To wit, some more numbers:
Idol Winners Ruben Studdard, Fantasia, Taylor Hicks album sales: 5.8m
Idol “Losers” Clay Aiken, Jennifer Hudson, Daughtry album sales: 12.4m plus a Grammy and Oscar for Jennifer.
So, a little perspective on our maddening TV show is in order. Kris won a particular popular vote but is not the most popular as measured by who has the larger social network that “idolizes” him, not to mention that Adam has much greater media interest. Adam lost the Idol text/phone vote but has a support base and media attention that may generate Aiken-Hudson-Daughtry-like sales.
Part of me hates the fact that you can vote multiple times because it does obscure who is really the most “popular”. But it does make for good TV. Would we still be rabid fans – or would the show even exist – if it was one vote per? Or if the Vote for the Worst website didn't exist? The genius of the show is it's ability to consistently generate such overdone emotions and responses over who or what you like or don't like. It is brilliant and it is fun - and my favorites NEVER win!
OK, I am done “bashing” Kris. The competitor and music critic in me hates to lose. The data makes me feel a lot better. As I move to the Acceptance stage of grief, I PROMISE to give Kris – and Adam – their deserved propers in the next post.
First, let’s deal with the story first reported by a Fox affiliate in Arkansas that ATT claimed 38 million votes in that state were cast for Kris. 38% of the votes cast by 1% of the national population. ATT has since claimed “erroneous data” had been given out and can neither confirm or deny any voting results. Putting aside what clearly is an in-house spat between Fox and one of their major sponsors, the governor of the state has proudly boasted of the success of his get-out-the-vote campaign. Truth, angry rumors or conspiracy theory? Who knows? Maybe Kris is the American Idol or maybe he’s just the Arkansas Idol.
Indeed, Kris won the popular vote among Idol voters. But who has made a bigger impact on the American psyche? Here are some real, verifiable facts:
Google Adam Lambert, excluding Kris or Allen – 12m hits
Google Kris Allen, excluding Adam or Lambert – 9.4m hits
Google News Adam Lambert, excluding Kris or Allen – 429 hits
Google News Kris Allen, excluding Adam or Lambert – 223 hits
Adam’s Myspace 960,000 views; 2760 friends
Kris’ Myspace 433,000 views; 1817 friends
Adam’s Facebook 206,000 fans
Kris’ Facebook 88,000 (according to PageData)
In the real-not-the-American Idol-TV-show world, winning the show isn’t much different than winning an election primary. It’s not who sends text messages or dials 866-436-57xx a gazillion times for their favorite (hey, I voted for Adam around a dozen times) that matter. Rather, it’s who actually spends dollars after the contest that matters. That’s the real election. Kris’ devoted fans may vote multiple times but they each won’t buy 40 albums.
To wit, some more numbers:
Idol Winners Ruben Studdard, Fantasia, Taylor Hicks album sales: 5.8m
Idol “Losers” Clay Aiken, Jennifer Hudson, Daughtry album sales: 12.4m plus a Grammy and Oscar for Jennifer.
So, a little perspective on our maddening TV show is in order. Kris won a particular popular vote but is not the most popular as measured by who has the larger social network that “idolizes” him, not to mention that Adam has much greater media interest. Adam lost the Idol text/phone vote but has a support base and media attention that may generate Aiken-Hudson-Daughtry-like sales.
Part of me hates the fact that you can vote multiple times because it does obscure who is really the most “popular”. But it does make for good TV. Would we still be rabid fans – or would the show even exist – if it was one vote per? Or if the Vote for the Worst website didn't exist? The genius of the show is it's ability to consistently generate such overdone emotions and responses over who or what you like or don't like. It is brilliant and it is fun - and my favorites NEVER win!
OK, I am done “bashing” Kris. The competitor and music critic in me hates to lose. The data makes me feel a lot better. As I move to the Acceptance stage of grief, I PROMISE to give Kris – and Adam – their deserved propers in the next post.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Idol Giveth and Idol Taketh Away.
Idol giveth – Carlos
Idol giveth – many shots of Alexis – work those thigh-high boots, girlfriend!
Idol giveth (quite sadly) – the return of Oil Rig Dude and Simon-Crushing Megan
Idol giveth – a reminder of how good Allison is
Idol taketh – Adam
More to say after I work through the stages of grief. I seem to be cycling between shock and anger.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Performance or Popularity?
Based on PERFORMANCE, tonight was not even close. Kris started strong but was done in by the songs he had to sing when he already was the less complete singer. But as I have been reminded, at the end of season, Idol is no longer a singing competition. It is a popularity contest. I hate that that is true but, nonetheless, it is the inescapable truth. So the following critical evaluation is fun but meaningless. OK, I do enjoy the banter even when it is so woefully misguided . . . .
Round 1
Adam’s Mad World was a bit too subdued this time around. Adam subdued?
Kris Ain’t No Sunshine was brilliant. When he’s good, he is really good.
Round 1 to Kris, close call but clear.
Round 2
Adam – Change is Gonna Come – I wrote at the time: “crazy, sick, good, best ever!!!!!!!!!” I stand by that opinion. One of the great songs ever by one of the great singers ever and Adam was up to the task.
Kris – What's Going On described the bad song choice for him and horrible arrangement, to boot. This is not a song you can do “light” as he did with Kanye last week. It is a serious song and the performance totally missed the gravity and historic importance of the song. I was honestly offended by my girl Kara when she suggested that Kris connected emotionally connected with the song. Not at all.
Round 2 to Adam by a mile.
Round 3
Adam – Not his best performance but given that he had to do three songs this week and this was a new one, it was very, very well done. Again, the restrained Adam has no peer. This song was meant for a good singer and it allowed Adam to show his complete repertoire.
Kris – this was a train wreck. The song is just way too big for Kris. It was like someone decided to write the worst possible song for him. Conspiracy theories, anybody? Even the judges pulled back from commenting on the performance to focus on his whole body of work.
Round 3 to Adam by a mile.
Winner by knockout – Adam Lambert.
Adam needed to show restraint this week - and he did.
Kris needed to pull off the big Written for the Idol Final Song - and he didn't.
However (unfortunately?), I honestly think Kris will win the popularity contest. I find that preposterous, as you all know by now. I will give him his due, though. He has grown through the season and each season has someone who did that. David Cook was far from the best at the start of last year. Kris is really good at what he is good at. He does have a particular talent and I would love to hear an album of songs suited to him. I would probably enjoy seeing him at a small, intimate venue or small arena. I just don’t think he was the best this year.
Round 1
Adam’s Mad World was a bit too subdued this time around. Adam subdued?
Kris Ain’t No Sunshine was brilliant. When he’s good, he is really good.
Round 1 to Kris, close call but clear.
Round 2
Adam – Change is Gonna Come – I wrote at the time: “crazy, sick, good, best ever!!!!!!!!!” I stand by that opinion. One of the great songs ever by one of the great singers ever and Adam was up to the task.
Kris – What's Going On described the bad song choice for him and horrible arrangement, to boot. This is not a song you can do “light” as he did with Kanye last week. It is a serious song and the performance totally missed the gravity and historic importance of the song. I was honestly offended by my girl Kara when she suggested that Kris connected emotionally connected with the song. Not at all.
Round 2 to Adam by a mile.
Round 3
Adam – Not his best performance but given that he had to do three songs this week and this was a new one, it was very, very well done. Again, the restrained Adam has no peer. This song was meant for a good singer and it allowed Adam to show his complete repertoire.
Kris – this was a train wreck. The song is just way too big for Kris. It was like someone decided to write the worst possible song for him. Conspiracy theories, anybody? Even the judges pulled back from commenting on the performance to focus on his whole body of work.
Round 3 to Adam by a mile.
Winner by knockout – Adam Lambert.
Adam needed to show restraint this week - and he did.
Kris needed to pull off the big Written for the Idol Final Song - and he didn't.
However (unfortunately?), I honestly think Kris will win the popularity contest. I find that preposterous, as you all know by now. I will give him his due, though. He has grown through the season and each season has someone who did that. David Cook was far from the best at the start of last year. Kris is really good at what he is good at. He does have a particular talent and I would love to hear an album of songs suited to him. I would probably enjoy seeing him at a small, intimate venue or small arena. I just don’t think he was the best this year.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
How did this happen?
How did THIS happen? How did one of the best singers in Idol history lose to a guy who was hit-or-miss each week? And according to Ryan, only a million votes (out of 80+ million) separate him and THE best singer in Idol history? How did THAT happen? For crying out loud, KRIS COULD BE THE NEXT AMERICAN FREAKING IDOL. Who, besides the completely irrational Kris Lovin’ Ladies could have seen that coming 12 weeks ago? [Bitter about losing my bet that Danny would last longer than Kris? No, not at all. I’m not mad about Alexis being gone either.]
I’m upset by more than my friendly wager. I know the rules - America gets to vote and pick who they want. And right now, I keep typing and erasing because I can’t intelligibly form words for how upset I am about a great singer like Danny being outvoted by an inferior singer. Argghhh!!!!!!!!!!
It is the mad genius of the Idol Machine that wreaks havoc with our emotions each week. I just wish I didn’t love it so. But I am still upset beyond belief.
I’m upset by more than my friendly wager. I know the rules - America gets to vote and pick who they want. And right now, I keep typing and erasing because I can’t intelligibly form words for how upset I am about a great singer like Danny being outvoted by an inferior singer. Argghhh!!!!!!!!!!
It is the mad genius of the Idol Machine that wreaks havoc with our emotions each week. I just wish I didn’t love it so. But I am still upset beyond belief.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Good stuff. So What Happens Now?
Lot to say so let me get right to it in the order of appearance.
Danny #1 –inspired choice of Introducing The Hardline According to Terence Trent D’Arby (one of my all-time favorite albums) by Paula – I'm mad at myself for not thinking of it because he and Danny are so similar vocally – but HORRIBLE choice of song!!!! Why not Sign Your Name or Wishing Well? Or almost EVERY other song on the album but that one! Upbeat and dance-y is not where Danny lives. Paula - do you not recall what he did to September during disco week? Mediocre performance – no fault of his – and I thought the jazzy rather than funky soul arrangement hurt Danny even further.
Kris #1 – a disaster. I have thought all season that Apologize would be a great song for him and I was wrong. He couldn’t hit the high notes and you HAVE to hit those in this song. It was pitchy in the lower notes and whiny, otherwise. And he brought zero artistry to the song. (At this point, my bet looks good)
Adam #1 – One by this season's Number One. The winner has been declared. Look, I know some won’t like it and, frankly, I wish he had kept up the restraint he had in the beginning of the song. He is unreal when he is controlled. But this performance was still way above the rim and way the best of Round 1. Oh, you did notice that I called for a big U2 song in my last post? If Paula or Simon leaves the show (as rumored every year), have the Fox people call my people. (Except that I have no people. I have two teenagers and a bunch of their animals.)
Danny #2 – You Are So Beautiful was, indeed, beautiful. The patented Danny slow start, great middle, wow finish. Randy is right – Danny has mad vocals. And this time, the arrangement was perfect. [Editor’s note: I had Joe Cocker on my suggested song list but left him out as I had so many songs for Danny, already.]
Kris #2 – Dude! That was sick! Kanye? Dude. Risky - like his Donna Summer joint during disco week – and TOTALLY worked. Ack! My bet isn’t looking so good now. (Sad side note – the Fox station in Scottsbluff went out so the Kris Lovin’ Ladies missed the whole show. Are you kidding me? You CANNOT lose transmission during the hour of the week’s #1 program!)
Adam #2 – GOOSEBUMPS!!!!! Note to Danny – THAT’S how you hit THE note in a song! Great song choice for him (still think Journey is better) as it legitimately combines a bluesy restraint with over-the-top wailing.
On merit it’s Adam, then Danny, then Kris. But Idol is not a meritocracy. Last year’s presumptive favorite, Melinda Doolittle, went out this week. And the other presumed favorite, David A., didn’t win, either. So you can’t count Adam in or Kris out. Tomorrow’s results show should be VERY interesting.
Danny #1 –inspired choice of Introducing The Hardline According to Terence Trent D’Arby (one of my all-time favorite albums) by Paula – I'm mad at myself for not thinking of it because he and Danny are so similar vocally – but HORRIBLE choice of song!!!! Why not Sign Your Name or Wishing Well? Or almost EVERY other song on the album but that one! Upbeat and dance-y is not where Danny lives. Paula - do you not recall what he did to September during disco week? Mediocre performance – no fault of his – and I thought the jazzy rather than funky soul arrangement hurt Danny even further.
Kris #1 – a disaster. I have thought all season that Apologize would be a great song for him and I was wrong. He couldn’t hit the high notes and you HAVE to hit those in this song. It was pitchy in the lower notes and whiny, otherwise. And he brought zero artistry to the song. (At this point, my bet looks good)
Adam #1 – One by this season's Number One. The winner has been declared. Look, I know some won’t like it and, frankly, I wish he had kept up the restraint he had in the beginning of the song. He is unreal when he is controlled. But this performance was still way above the rim and way the best of Round 1. Oh, you did notice that I called for a big U2 song in my last post? If Paula or Simon leaves the show (as rumored every year), have the Fox people call my people. (Except that I have no people. I have two teenagers and a bunch of their animals.)
Danny #2 – You Are So Beautiful was, indeed, beautiful. The patented Danny slow start, great middle, wow finish. Randy is right – Danny has mad vocals. And this time, the arrangement was perfect. [Editor’s note: I had Joe Cocker on my suggested song list but left him out as I had so many songs for Danny, already.]
Kris #2 – Dude! That was sick! Kanye? Dude. Risky - like his Donna Summer joint during disco week – and TOTALLY worked. Ack! My bet isn’t looking so good now. (Sad side note – the Fox station in Scottsbluff went out so the Kris Lovin’ Ladies missed the whole show. Are you kidding me? You CANNOT lose transmission during the hour of the week’s #1 program!)
Adam #2 – GOOSEBUMPS!!!!! Note to Danny – THAT’S how you hit THE note in a song! Great song choice for him (still think Journey is better) as it legitimately combines a bluesy restraint with over-the-top wailing.
On merit it’s Adam, then Danny, then Kris. But Idol is not a meritocracy. Last year’s presumptive favorite, Melinda Doolittle, went out this week. And the other presumed favorite, David A., didn’t win, either. So you can’t count Adam in or Kris out. Tomorrow’s results show should be VERY interesting.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Let the Games Begin!
Well it comes down to tomorrow night as to whether we get the long-awaited Adam/Danny finale with the expected anointing of Adam; or the surprising Adam/Kris finale with the expected anointing of Adam - along with my humiliating defeat to the Kris Lovin’ Ladies (and one in particular).
I thought since it was judges’ pick week, it was yet another excuse for me to pick songs. So here goes:
If Randy has any guts, he will pick a Journey song for Adam since he is the first Idolist ever to credibly be able to rise to Steve Perry-like heights. Seriously, if Adam sings Faithfully, when he’s finished crushing that big note at the end, it’s over and you have your winner. Check please. 19 Management can just bring a contract and a pen out for him to sign right there on the spot.
Hot but not nearly as hot would be Journey's Open Arms, Wheel In the Sky; or a big U2 song like With or Without You.
I have lots of songs for Danny:
Let the games begin!!!
I thought since it was judges’ pick week, it was yet another excuse for me to pick songs. So here goes:
If Randy has any guts, he will pick a Journey song for Adam since he is the first Idolist ever to credibly be able to rise to Steve Perry-like heights. Seriously, if Adam sings Faithfully, when he’s finished crushing that big note at the end, it’s over and you have your winner. Check please. 19 Management can just bring a contract and a pen out for him to sign right there on the spot.
Hot but not nearly as hot would be Journey's Open Arms, Wheel In the Sky; or a big U2 song like With or Without You.
I have lots of songs for Danny:
- A true classic like House of the Rising Sun;
- Bad Company’s Bad Company since I think he has a Paul Roger’s kind of voice;
- How about some Otis Redding Try a Little Tenderness or Hard to Handle;
- A nice and interesting suggestion from regular reader Gina: Al Green - maybe something like Let’s Stay Together.
- My clear top choice is Come on Get Higher by Matt Nathanson
- Richard Marx: Hold Onto the Nights or Right Here Waiting
- How about Elton John’s Levon
Let the games begin!!!
Thursday, May 7, 2009
OK, Ray. Get a Grip.
So, first reaction was shock and horror at seeing “ice for lunch” Kris go to safety first, first being a relative term since we didn’t learn that until well past half of the show.
Then the next reaction was total Feeling – I was bummed about Allison. Distraught. Angry. Hurt. Even feeling empathy for Allison lovers everywhere, especially those watching the TV with me. Can you imagine me feeling their pain?
Then the Thinker woke up. Seriously, Ray, get a grip on yourself. She was never going to win. Back in the day, I had her at best as the 3rd or 4th member of the Adam, Danny, Alexis (ahhh, Alexis), Allison Final Four. She never really gathered support due either to Jenny’s relentless anti-Allison campaign or because of various pernicious societal biases that Sociology major Diandra will rattle off which threatened not only Allison but at this moment are putting the entire social and cultural fabric of the American way of life at risk.
She’s sixteen and she finished 4th behind some pretty good singers (I am referring, of course, to ONLY Adam and Danny). She could have won in some years. She had a great run. She went out with class and grace and spunk. She sang her behind off on her way out. More importantly, I believe we will hear from her again. She is such a “package artist” as my girl Kara says - totally marketable as a personality and voice. I am inclined to agree with Diandra that she has Pink’s power and tone but with better range and with the same vocal runs as Christina Aguilera at that age. As we heard tonight, Chris Daughtry went home early and sold five million records. Won’t predict five million but I’d be surprised if we don’t hear a lot more from young Allison.
So, on to next week with judges’ and personal picks, always a tricky week (I‘m still mad at Simon for submarining my girl Syesha with that horrific Rhianna song). And my bet with a certain Kris Lovin’ Lady as to whether Kris or Danny lasts longer goes another week. Danny, dude, PLEASE keep your Aerosmith records on the shelf!
Then the next reaction was total Feeling – I was bummed about Allison. Distraught. Angry. Hurt. Even feeling empathy for Allison lovers everywhere, especially those watching the TV with me. Can you imagine me feeling their pain?
Then the Thinker woke up. Seriously, Ray, get a grip on yourself. She was never going to win. Back in the day, I had her at best as the 3rd or 4th member of the Adam, Danny, Alexis (ahhh, Alexis), Allison Final Four. She never really gathered support due either to Jenny’s relentless anti-Allison campaign or because of various pernicious societal biases that Sociology major Diandra will rattle off which threatened not only Allison but at this moment are putting the entire social and cultural fabric of the American way of life at risk.
She’s sixteen and she finished 4th behind some pretty good singers (I am referring, of course, to ONLY Adam and Danny). She could have won in some years. She had a great run. She went out with class and grace and spunk. She sang her behind off on her way out. More importantly, I believe we will hear from her again. She is such a “package artist” as my girl Kara says - totally marketable as a personality and voice. I am inclined to agree with Diandra that she has Pink’s power and tone but with better range and with the same vocal runs as Christina Aguilera at that age. As we heard tonight, Chris Daughtry went home early and sold five million records. Won’t predict five million but I’d be surprised if we don’t hear a lot more from young Allison.
So, on to next week with judges’ and personal picks, always a tricky week (I‘m still mad at Simon for submarining my girl Syesha with that horrific Rhianna song). And my bet with a certain Kris Lovin’ Lady as to whether Kris or Danny lasts longer goes another week. Danny, dude, PLEASE keep your Aerosmith records on the shelf!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
One awesome. One good. One not good. One horrific.
In other words, Adam. Allison. Kris. Danny.
Adam – thank you for taking one of my suggested songs! (Yes, the image you have of me is taking my bow.) He took Slash’s advice and restrained the shrieking. Adam is good enough to take on the classics even when the singers are near impossible to emulate. Even Diandra said she hoped Robert Plant was listening. Easy Best of the Night by miles and should restore him back to his rightful place at the top of the heap.
Allison – OK, this is me taking a bow again. I considered several Janis songs for Allison because Janis is in her range. But I rejected them because Janis' songs do not generally have much vocal range (minus her shrieks) and, therefore, have limited value in a singing competition. Allison has great vocal quality (Jenny, you know I luv ya and I know we can amicably disagree) and did the song justice. But not enough for what this kind of competition demands. Plus she had to follow Adam. She looked great though!
Kris – I am really angry that he chose a Beatles song. Yes, they are technically a rock band but to me that was a cop-out. I know rock isn’t supposedly his thing but there are many borderline rock artists he could have done that fit him better than the Beatles. And he wanted to do Revolution??????? That would have been a complete train wreck. As it was, Come Together didn’t work for him, either. Look, Kris Lovin’ Ladies, it wasn’t awful. But it just wasn’t him.
Danny – speaking of train wrecks – what in the *^%$@)& was Danny thinking? Somehow Dream On was appropriate because he clearly was in an altered state of consciousness when he thought that would work for him. Just a disaster from start to finish. No, actually the finish was a cataclysm.
Duets? Kris and Danny were dreadful despite Paula trying to find something nice to say about their harmonies. Neither of these guys are arena rockers. Who picked that song (Renegade - fun song, though) for them?
Adam and Allison were fun and do need to do a song together. It’s obvious they have great chemistry in their relationship and they perform wonderfully together. Paula was right about them feeding off each other whereas Kris and Danny looked like they were trying to stay out of each others way.
I think the duets should be part of future Idols. Good or bad, they added a cool element of fun and unpredictability.
Predictions. I hope tomorrow night Daughtry will do What I Want and Slash will play guitar like on the album - and Diandra will go into a Wanda-With-Prince-like frenzy. Assuming such a thing is even possible.
Oh, the voting? Ugh. Adam is safe. After that it gets murky. On merit, Allison should be safe but the judges may have hurt her tonight. I think Danny is the wildcard, though. As in college football, it’s better to lose early than to lose late and Mr. Untouchable was bad when it’s bad to be bad. I guess we will see how big his fan base is this week. Not to mention I have a side bet with a certain shamelessly and hopelessly devoted Kris Lovin’ Lady that Danny lasts longer than her Idol.
Adam – thank you for taking one of my suggested songs! (Yes, the image you have of me is taking my bow.) He took Slash’s advice and restrained the shrieking. Adam is good enough to take on the classics even when the singers are near impossible to emulate. Even Diandra said she hoped Robert Plant was listening. Easy Best of the Night by miles and should restore him back to his rightful place at the top of the heap.
Allison – OK, this is me taking a bow again. I considered several Janis songs for Allison because Janis is in her range. But I rejected them because Janis' songs do not generally have much vocal range (minus her shrieks) and, therefore, have limited value in a singing competition. Allison has great vocal quality (Jenny, you know I luv ya and I know we can amicably disagree) and did the song justice. But not enough for what this kind of competition demands. Plus she had to follow Adam. She looked great though!
Kris – I am really angry that he chose a Beatles song. Yes, they are technically a rock band but to me that was a cop-out. I know rock isn’t supposedly his thing but there are many borderline rock artists he could have done that fit him better than the Beatles. And he wanted to do Revolution??????? That would have been a complete train wreck. As it was, Come Together didn’t work for him, either. Look, Kris Lovin’ Ladies, it wasn’t awful. But it just wasn’t him.
Danny – speaking of train wrecks – what in the *^%$@)& was Danny thinking? Somehow Dream On was appropriate because he clearly was in an altered state of consciousness when he thought that would work for him. Just a disaster from start to finish. No, actually the finish was a cataclysm.
Duets? Kris and Danny were dreadful despite Paula trying to find something nice to say about their harmonies. Neither of these guys are arena rockers. Who picked that song (Renegade - fun song, though) for them?
Adam and Allison were fun and do need to do a song together. It’s obvious they have great chemistry in their relationship and they perform wonderfully together. Paula was right about them feeding off each other whereas Kris and Danny looked like they were trying to stay out of each others way.
I think the duets should be part of future Idols. Good or bad, they added a cool element of fun and unpredictability.
Predictions. I hope tomorrow night Daughtry will do What I Want and Slash will play guitar like on the album - and Diandra will go into a Wanda-With-Prince-like frenzy. Assuming such a thing is even possible.
Oh, the voting? Ugh. Adam is safe. After that it gets murky. On merit, Allison should be safe but the judges may have hurt her tonight. I think Danny is the wildcard, though. As in college football, it’s better to lose early than to lose late and Mr. Untouchable was bad when it’s bad to be bad. I guess we will see how big his fan base is this week. Not to mention I have a side bet with a certain shamelessly and hopelessly devoted Kris Lovin’ Lady that Danny lasts longer than her Idol.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Ray Plays Producer
Sure, Ryan Seacrest is my hero but, man, oh, man would I ever love to be a rock producer. So that’s what I’m doing this week as I call the Idolists into Timbalinder Studios to work with them on the songs they should do this week.
My advice is crucial because there is so much at stake this week, especially for Adam and Allison because they are supposed to be good. Adam, in fact, has the most to lose, especially given his surprising fall from the top spots. He has to pick the perfect song to match whatever theatrics he will bring to the stage.
This is also supposed to be Allison’s sweet spot, so she can’t disappoint, either. Plus, I’m going to make Jenny like her this week. Mr. Consistency Danny Gokey seems to be untouchable and Kris is playing with house money so there is less pressure on them. But at this point, they will still feel the pressure of being “in it to win it”, so I’ll pick great songs for them, too, though.
The challenge for all of them is that they have to do songs that are familiar to an Idol audience (so no Soundgarden of Audioslave for Adam*), yet have to bring their own style to the songs as to not be karaoke copycats.
[*note to Gina and Margo: but wouldn’t you just love to hear Adam peel off some Spoonman or Show Me How to Live? Or dim the lights for Black Hole Sun?]
So what’s it going to be this week Adam? The restrained, pathos-laden Adam of Tracks of My Tears or Mad World? If so, then you HAVE to do Journey’s Wheel in the Sky and totally blow Randy away IF you keep your wail in check. Journey songs are made for Idol but nobody but you can dare to compare himself to Steve Perry.
Or are you going for the unrestrained, wailing Adam? Then you HAVE to do Guns ‘N Roses Welcome to the Jungle and blow Slash away.
Alternate choices (not as good as the above but credible): Aerosmith Dream On, Led Zeppelin Whole Lotta Love or Jon Bon Jovi Blaze of Glory.
Danny, Go Directly to Creed. Do not pass go, do not collect $200. Scott Stapp’s gruff, impassioned vocals plus his Christian-themed lyrics are tailor-made for you and you have a better voice than Stapp to boot. If you want to go your usual route of start-slow-kill ‘em-at-the-end, go with My Own Prison. At the big finish, you’ll take “I cry out to God seeking only His decision” right straight to church and the crowd will go nuts. Simon will call it “indulgent” but it will be brilliant.
However, I think you should change it up and go big right at the start with My Sacrifice. Also take a look at Higher or one of my all-time favorite songs Weathered.
If you don’t go Creed, here’s a couple of alternates: a high-energy crowd-pleaser like Bon Jovi’s Have A Nice Day or show the judges you are a current rock singer with a song that’s on the radio now, Shinedown’s Second Chance.
The chicks might love to hear you sing I’ll Be Watching You but Sting is so hard to sing. I hear Stealer’s Wheel Stuck in the Middle With You but the other Idolists are going to ROCK so you have to bring something bigger than that. If you want to play it safe, you could do a crowd pleaser like Jackson Browne’s Doctor My Eyes.
But since you playing to win, here’s what you need to do: strap on your guitar and do Tommy James Crimson and Clover. What will the Kris Lovin’ Ladies do when he sings, “But I think I could love her?” My, oh, my.
[note to Wanda: Prince’s new version made me fall to the floor and cry]
No, we are not going to do Black Velvet or I Love Rock ‘n Roll. Too predictable, safe and boring. Melissa Ethridge is fine but also a bit predictable.
THE song for you is Shine by Collective Soul. I heard a teenager with a voice just like yours by the name of Charity Von do this song and you can sho’ nuf rock this out just like she did.
Another inspired choice is to reach back and do that bluesy-rock classic of Blue Cheer’s Summertime Blues.
OK, I will stop here and resist my urge to over-think this. I anxiously await your reactions.
My advice is crucial because there is so much at stake this week, especially for Adam and Allison because they are supposed to be good. Adam, in fact, has the most to lose, especially given his surprising fall from the top spots. He has to pick the perfect song to match whatever theatrics he will bring to the stage.
This is also supposed to be Allison’s sweet spot, so she can’t disappoint, either. Plus, I’m going to make Jenny like her this week. Mr. Consistency Danny Gokey seems to be untouchable and Kris is playing with house money so there is less pressure on them. But at this point, they will still feel the pressure of being “in it to win it”, so I’ll pick great songs for them, too, though.
The challenge for all of them is that they have to do songs that are familiar to an Idol audience (so no Soundgarden of Audioslave for Adam*), yet have to bring their own style to the songs as to not be karaoke copycats.
[*note to Gina and Margo: but wouldn’t you just love to hear Adam peel off some Spoonman or Show Me How to Live? Or dim the lights for Black Hole Sun?]
So what’s it going to be this week Adam? The restrained, pathos-laden Adam of Tracks of My Tears or Mad World? If so, then you HAVE to do Journey’s Wheel in the Sky and totally blow Randy away IF you keep your wail in check. Journey songs are made for Idol but nobody but you can dare to compare himself to Steve Perry.
Or are you going for the unrestrained, wailing Adam? Then you HAVE to do Guns ‘N Roses Welcome to the Jungle and blow Slash away.
Alternate choices (not as good as the above but credible): Aerosmith Dream On, Led Zeppelin Whole Lotta Love or Jon Bon Jovi Blaze of Glory.
Danny, Go Directly to Creed. Do not pass go, do not collect $200. Scott Stapp’s gruff, impassioned vocals plus his Christian-themed lyrics are tailor-made for you and you have a better voice than Stapp to boot. If you want to go your usual route of start-slow-kill ‘em-at-the-end, go with My Own Prison. At the big finish, you’ll take “I cry out to God seeking only His decision” right straight to church and the crowd will go nuts. Simon will call it “indulgent” but it will be brilliant.
However, I think you should change it up and go big right at the start with My Sacrifice. Also take a look at Higher or one of my all-time favorite songs Weathered.
If you don’t go Creed, here’s a couple of alternates: a high-energy crowd-pleaser like Bon Jovi’s Have A Nice Day or show the judges you are a current rock singer with a song that’s on the radio now, Shinedown’s Second Chance.
The chicks might love to hear you sing I’ll Be Watching You but Sting is so hard to sing. I hear Stealer’s Wheel Stuck in the Middle With You but the other Idolists are going to ROCK so you have to bring something bigger than that. If you want to play it safe, you could do a crowd pleaser like Jackson Browne’s Doctor My Eyes.
But since you playing to win, here’s what you need to do: strap on your guitar and do Tommy James Crimson and Clover. What will the Kris Lovin’ Ladies do when he sings, “But I think I could love her?” My, oh, my.
[note to Wanda: Prince’s new version made me fall to the floor and cry]
No, we are not going to do Black Velvet or I Love Rock ‘n Roll. Too predictable, safe and boring. Melissa Ethridge is fine but also a bit predictable.
THE song for you is Shine by Collective Soul. I heard a teenager with a voice just like yours by the name of Charity Von do this song and you can sho’ nuf rock this out just like she did.
Another inspired choice is to reach back and do that bluesy-rock classic of Blue Cheer’s Summertime Blues.
OK, I will stop here and resist my urge to over-think this. I anxiously await your reactions.
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